Hi..thanks a lot for the feedback..I really appreciate the CH that continuously give me a freedback so i can make the logo better and better =) I will submit the changes on my entries later ..glad you like the slogan ^^
Hi...sorry for not submiting any entries for the last couple of days...my computer won't work so I have to repair it =( I have some new ideas. Hopefully can submit them today.
Hi..this is the modification on the character. Also I change the color and the font, which on do you like best? ^^ feel free if you have any thought for the changes =)
Hi..this is the modification on the character. Also I change the color and the font, which on do you like best? ^^ feel free if you have any thought for the changes =)
Hi..this is the changes on the logo. What kind of typography do you like best? a formal one? sport one? hand writing? =) so i can explore more on the font type.
Hi e_tagliabue, It seems you like the logo with glass effect and sphere shape and send a lot of entries that don't have that style to 'not interested'. Are you satisfied enough with this glass sphere concept or still want to look another style? so I can explore more and submit different logos. Will appreciate your feedback.