Thank you Pakde, I like # 53 a lot. I like how simple it is. There are a few things I like to see differently, if possible: is there a way to connect the "a" more with the rest of the word? Maybe make it thinner? Can the tent be enlarged, to stretch the length of the name? Can you show me the tent with different transparencies (50 - 75%)? Switch the colors of the tent and the name. (green tent, redish name). Elongate the line under the "a" to stretch the entire name and see how it looks in blue and green. Thank you - I'm really excited about what you'll come up with!
#62 - Great! Please, can you work with "on Lone Man Creek" to have it fit in better. It looks out of place. I like the color of Sinya in #63. Can you change the color of the tent and the line under "Sinya" to an olive green? Thanks!
Hi Pakde, I like the tent in #67 and the font in #66. Please, enlarge the tent more, bring it to 50% transparent, and drop is down behind "Sinya". Please erase the very small line above the "n" in SInya - I think it is the stairway. Thank you! Lynn
Hi Pakde, We're almost there! I'd like to try just a couple of things. Please, lets see how it looks with the line under "Sinya" in blue, like water. I'd like to see the tent without the flags on the top. Clean up the 'i' in SInya, so there isn't that small line that connects the dot with the rest of the letter. One of the 1st examples you submitted had a burst of light radiating from the top of the tent. Can you give me two or three examples of that burst - one from the top, one from the top right? Thank you - I really appreciate all your hard work. Lynn
So close! The light burst is better coming from behind the name than at the top of the tent. Bring the transparency of the tent down to 50%, please. And lastly, please make the color of the font one shade darker. Thank you!
here with your revisions #78, I have a question on # 78. whether you prefer more darker color or lighter in the tent? #79 I try to add a little color to the tent
I love that you added color to the tent (#79)- it looks great! Please, delete the drop shadow on the name - leave the font the same as #70. Please change the hue of the blue line - I'd like a darker blue, similar to color of the tent and "on Lone Man Creek" in #63. Let me see 4 examples of the logo with the new color - at 25%, 50%, and 75%, and 100% opaqueness. Thank you!!!
Oh so close! I think just one last thing and it's done. Please shift "on Lone Man Creek" a little to the left. I think that means making the font a little smaller, or taller, but, I'd like the weight on the line to be more centered. the "a" in sinya seems to be all by itself over there - if we could shift "on Lone Man Creek" just a little over, I think it would seem more balanced. Thank you!!!
Please, pakde, I made a mistake in asking you to move the text to the left. I meant to the right. So sorry! #100 - move the "on Lone Man Creek" in the other direction - towards the "a" in Sinya. Thanks