I like this a lot!!!!! Can you please do another version, but this time, slant the letters Goo in the same direction as the circle of the spoon. That way it reads more clearly the word "Good"... I just want to see how that looks in comparison with #28. also can you make the flame on the "i" a red and yellow color... give it a more real fire color. Thx
and i just want to say that i have to go to sleep now ;) it's really late night. but if you need anything to change, just let me know, and i'll take a look tomorrow. thank you ;)
#32 is much better... I'm still not 100% sold on the spoon... I LIKE the spoon but maybe a different look. A more defined spoon may work better. Maybe you can fill in the circle to make it look more like a complete spoon with a glare in the middle... like a real spoon. It almost looks like a pipe to me... not sure. But pls don't withdraw any of your renditions as I'm still pondering the looks.. Thx again!!!
hello, sorry i have to withdraw this because of the devillish S has been used by other designer. so i can't use it. i'll have to withdraw and send you something else. thx