Like #42 and #41... is there a way to add the tag line of Whole Food Whole Body Whole Health somewhere?Or does it make it too congested? I suppose I could just put that on business cards, etc and not include it in the logo...
Also, for #42, would it be possible to see a version with SimplyWholeHealing in the same color and font and on the same line? LOVE the font you selected for Simply Whole and the colors used. I'm struggling with whether I want the name to be differentiated with Healing in a different typeface or not. I realize that the scale would have to be different if all words were on the same line.
I still really love #50... the style, colors, etc. But I received some feedback from someone who didn't like the idea of a "hole" with the word "Whole". I doesn't bother me, but I was wondering if you had any other ideas of how to lay it out so it didn't look like there was a white hole on the page?
Thank you for the updates! Is there a way to carry the darker color a little further in the abstract for #152? I really like the concept, but it looks a little like the mouth of a face (where the circles are the eyes and nose...)
In looking back at the other designs, one of the things I really liked in the swirl was the prominence of the green in the outer circle. In #152, you swapped the turquoise for the outer circle and the green is less prominent. Can those two colors be reversed and have it still look good?
I also liked the human representation in 150... just not sure about the lines at the top - feels like hair sticking up! : ) I've been looking through your profile and really love all of your work. And your font choice is still my favorite. I love the "feel" of it and the simplicity and rawness of the look. And the colors too are my favorite.
I personally love the swirl concept but the feedback I've gotten from others is still the idea of a swirling toilet. So, #152, incorporating something into the swirl helps that... also don't know if there's a way to incorporate the human figure into your original concept... With the color elements you've represented the mission of bringing together the elements of food and body (mind, body, spirit) and how they come together to create health and a sense of balance (overall state of well-being). Just want to find a way to not have others interpret it as a downward spiral! Still hoping we can find the right combination of elements! Thank you for all of your efforts!
Just saw the updated designs: 155-158... I don't want to lose the third inner loop - I think it symbolizes food, body and health (from the tag line) and would still like more of the deeper color?
Since the contest is transitioning to the Judging phase in a few minutes, I'm going to move your design to #1 so we will be able to continue to refine it. This is my first time using logotournament... if it makes more sense to request more time in the current phase, let me know and I'll do that.