Very nice. Please take reference of the colors I listed in my color scheme. I would like to focus on earthy tones. My focus is in going green and being green friendly. Also, please remove the balls.
Entry #16: Love it! Instead of the commas in between simply clean, simply organized, simply done right, can we have those dots or balls that you had removed earlier in between each phrase, just smaller of course. I really like this
#19. After looking at this one, I really like this design as it is. Can we add dark green dots in between the phrases Simply Clean (DOT) Simply Organized (DOT) Simply Done Right. I would like the dark green dots to match the same dark green on the design and I would like them centered. Thank you :)
Please read my request. I want the original design of #19. In this design you have it Simply Clean, Simply Organized, Simply Done Right. I do not want commas, please. I would like the dots in between each of the phrases. Simply Clean (place dot here) Simply Organized (place dot here) Simply Done Right. No commas just dots please that match the dark green color. I do not want any added dots to the design. Just what I requested. I am almost ready to make my decision, but I would like for you to update the design with what I am requesting. Thank you.
#28: That is what I was looking for! Thank you so much! Let's go ahead and put the LLC back to the same size it was in #19. I will be looking for the update. This is a great logo and something I would be very proud of