Thanks for your invitation. Here is my first concept and I hope you like it. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I will follow up promptly. Thanks
Hi - amny thanks! I found your submissions the hardest to classify for a bit. Whilst there is something in there property-wise they are almost more abstact symbols but I really like them actually. I'm slow to reach decisons on some things - pls dont read much inot exact position at the moment. We ahve decided we will expetnd a bit and real decisons will eb made next week. I'll be able to give more feedback when I have refected a bit but as I say I really like them thanks! Andy :)
Hi.......................Re 137) ------------- why doesn't that become a more recognisable 'planet earth'...just with some continents in dark blue - keeping it simple as possible still.
Maybe have silver 'S' band shape shape binding the globe?
Thanks for your feedback. Here is another variation for your review. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I will post more concepts later on. thanks