Thank you for your preference in my design! I have uploaded the files logotournament requests. As soon as you approve files and payment I will send extra files at your email that is provided in our contract.
Elena K.
P.S. Also if possible leave a little review for me. Thank you in advance!!!
Perfect. I’ll get it taken care of to finalize the design. Just didn’t want to assume anything as I’m sure we will adjust colors, use only parts of the logo in certain situations, etc. Thanks!
When we declare the logo the winner we will want to be sure to get the logo in a file I can adjust colors, etc in Adobe Illustrator. I presume that won’t be any issue?
hmmm you might be right about that. In my eyes it was ok but maybe it was really hard to read. Please check this one. Other than that I have no more other suggestions.
The concern we have on this logo is the way the “L’s” sit compared to the other letters. We are worried that some people may not read it correctly. Can you send it with the “L’s” in line with the other letters where the bottom of the L doesn’t swoop under the other letters? Also maybe if you have any other idea to assure that people see it more clearly. I like the style the way it is, but worry about readability. I have showed it to a few of the people and some have said it looked like “Silver Saddie” to them when they initially looked at it. That feedback from others who don’t already know what it is supposed to be is what has me worried. Let me know your thoughts and possibilities. Thank you!
You shouldn't worry too much as embroidery has been evolved a lot and complicated graphics can be produced. Here is a simplified version as you requested. If you want to be sure that you will have no issues, you can show both this and the original to a printing shop to reassure you that it can be reproduced.
Looks very good. In order to end up with this one as the finalist we might have some work to do on the details. I'd like to see another version of this one intentionally simplified as though you were going to embroider a baseball cap with the logo on the front. This will help us see what we would be looking at when we used it in a "non-print" situation. Its a very nice logo that projects a classy brand with a western flare. It's definitely one that catches your eye. I am worried about reproducibility in our applications though. Help me through that and we are increasing the odds it can win. Thank you!
I see what you mean now. It slid right by me that this was intended to be an S and a reverse S. What I meant in the other comment was a design where they read as "S's" on both sides.
This is a neat idea! Any other versions you can imagine? Maybe some barbed wire for the outline? Your concept is very cool! Throw some different versions of it to me if you can!
Great idea! Any other gate looks that might play on the name? We could even end up building an entrance that matches the logo if it is really great! Throw a few ideas of different gate ideas if you can!
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Elena K.
P.S. Also if possible leave a little review for me. Thank you in advance!!!
Thank you
Elena K.
Please check my revisions.
Elena K.