Silva MediaLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Silva Media Silva Media has selected their winning logo design. For $840 they received 431 designs from 82 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Trinova Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #100 Withdrawn New #102 Withdrawn New #335 Withdrawn New #104 Withdrawn New #330 Withdrawn New #339 Withdrawn New #337 Withdrawn New #336 Withdrawn New #334 Withdrawn New #333 Withdrawn New #332 Withdrawn New #331 Withdrawn New #99 Withdrawn Prefers others. #338 Withdrawn Prefers others. #101 Discussion Trinova Logo Designer Hi!Thank you for the ranking, please let me know if you have required adjustments..While in Judging, ONLY designer ranked in first place can submit revisions, so you can rotate the ranks if you need it.Regards, Trinova 13 years ago