On entry # 44 can you please make the pool/pond square to see how that looks and maybe incorporate a water spout vertically in the air to make it obvious that it is actually water.
On item # 60 - can you square the pool so that it runs the same direction as the font and replace the sun with a mountain, tree or a water spout emanating from the pool?
Yes, i will make the changes, but now the contest still in judging mode, maybe you can try to contact the admin again, usually it can be back again Cheers!
Thanks for all of the changes - we are close. On item # 105 - please keep Silich Homes font white and make the web Address dark blue. And can you mahe the windows square instead of an arched top. Thanks.
Love it but would like to find a way to make the pool/pond more obvious. What do you think about curved swimming pool ladders on the left and right of the pond.
Also is it possible to show solar panels on the two higher roof pitches and take out the web address - makes your great work too busy. Complete these and I will select you as the winner. Thanks.
Looks good but can you make the solar panels cover the top half of the roof and the rest dark blue - this is more realistically. Plus just bold the swimming pool ladders up and that will give it more identity. Thanks - hope you are feeling better.
Ok prefer the pool ladders in 110. Can you make the solar panels just two or three roes from the top of the roof down. This is how they are installers sometimes?
Hi - I like 115. Can you take the the ladder to the left and delete that and then delete the trees to the right to see what sort of balance that give the picture?