I've just sent all the files separated for easier use, on your email address. I've also re-uploaded files required by LT. If everything is in order, please don't forget to approve the files, so we can conclude the process here!
It is located in the layers of of .EPS file. LT's upload engine alows only one .EPS and one .JPEG file. I'll send you both versions separated, on your email address, stated on the contract! Check your email in half an hour!
I'm glad you've recognized elegance and quality behind this design.
Now to try to elaborate, what "negative space" version means. If this is basic logo version (black on white background), than negative space version of this logo would be white logo on dark/black background (like presented on entry #246). It is important that logo works conceptualy and aestheticaly in both versions, since sometimes it will be used both ways (for various printing/embroidering applications, as well as for some web use). This is the reason why both of these versions will be delivered to you!
Hope this explanation was helpful,...let me know if you have some other questions,...glad to be of assistance.
So I really like your design and I'm havei g a hard time seeing this as I've used my logo in the past which I know I wanted to update my look because I feel like my logo is old looking and I'm trying to have a fresh new look. When you I say negative space what does that mean?
...just to explore one more thing here! This would be very subtle modification, with letter thicknes somewhere between letter thickness on entries #189 and #237,...you can see subtle difference if you place it between the two!
...negative space for this modification on entry #246!
...one more proportional and conceptual modification on this elegant, cursive font design,...that small accent element on letter "S" makes it quite unique and recognizable. Even when detached from the rest of the logo, that letter "S" can be recognizable/memorable stand alone mark (as website favicon, profile pic on social networks, embroidered monogram, etc.)
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Thank you once again!
It is located in the layers of of .EPS file. LT's upload engine alows only one .EPS and one .JPEG file. I'll send you both versions separated, on your email address, stated on the contract! Check your email in half an hour!
I'm glad you've recognized elegance and quality behind this design.
Now to try to elaborate, what "negative space" version means. If this is basic logo version (black on white background), than negative space version of this logo would be white logo on dark/black background (like presented on entry #246). It is important that logo works conceptualy and aestheticaly in both versions, since sometimes it will be used both ways (for various printing/embroidering applications, as well as for some web use). This is the reason why both of these versions will be delivered to you!
Hope this explanation was helpful,...let me know if you have some other questions,...glad to be of assistance.
...negative space for this modification on entry #246!
Looks good! Let me know if I can be of further assistance!
If you decide to go for more unique, contemporary elegance, entries #189, #193 and #195 would be my suggestion for you!
Let me know if I can be of further assistance! Thank you!
Let me know if I can be of further assistance! Thank you!
Here are few potentialy interesting solutions,..this one might be unique, elegant design, with very subtle graphic accent on letter "S"!
any thoughts/suggestions? Thank you!