I have just managed to make a submission under the deadline so I hope you will consider the design.
I really rushed through this one, as otherwise I would not have made it before the buzzer went!
What I would really like is to be given a bit more time during the Top 5 stage to hone the design and get something that is really slick that works for you.
The last four characters, in particular, are just not working for me exactly as they are. The lions head needs to be much more subtle, the American flag "a" needs some honing as does the R and the E.
Plus I need to add you some colour on there!!!
Please let me know if you would be interested in having me slick up this idea for you.
Okay I have now completed the idea and have incorporated the changes you asked for in the comments.
I have completed 3 new concepts that are in red and with 'healthcare' underneath.
The concepts are along the same lines but really rather different at the same time.
The structure looks very different now: - I have modified all the letters so everything looks less cluttered - I have completed changed the "c" lions head approach and have drawn a lion coming from the top of the 'c', which looks pretty smart. - The American flag 'a' has also been completely modified - I have used a slightly simpler approach for the Rx symbol - I have cleaned up the ear of corn 'E'
The overall look as clean and funky.
In order for me to be able to upload the examples, you will need to rank me in one of the top 5 positions. Then I will be able to upload the new work to you.
Hi Wildfirepro, thank you for your submissions. SICKCARE should be written in all CAPS and in the color RED perhaps two different shades of red with SICK and CARE being different. Their should be a shadow or a reflection underneath spelling out the word HEALTHCARE like in example #46
The "I" Cigarette should have some smoke coming out of it.
The animal profile in the second C should be subtle like in the example of #11 the other ones remind me too much of Thundercats
The A for America should incorporate the color Blue and should either have a white star in the middle or the statue of liberty.
The x on the R should be very subtle and if is hangs below the rest of the letters it should only be a little. If the stem of the R is really fat than the cross making the X should be very thin.
FOr the E the cob of corn should make up the backbone or the middle horizontal piece but should not have leaves.
Many thanks for bringing me up into the top 5 so I could submit further revisions!
The new submissions I completed before seeing your most recent feedback, so I will take a closer look at your feedback in the morning (it is now 22:20 here in London!) and make some further revisions.
I may also send you over some close ups of the individual letters so you can see the detail. The sizes of the thumbnails here are somewhat prohibitive!
I will be back in touch with further revisions soon.
Hi! SICKCARE should be written in all CAPS and in only one shade of RED. The shadow underneath should be 3D and more profound spelling out the word HEALTHCARE. The "I" Cigarette isn't obviously a cigarette, anything else you can do to make it look like definately a cigarette? The animal profile in the second C should be a lot lot lot more subtle. The A for America is awesome! The R be proportionate everywhere except a very subtle line that crosses making it a Rx symbol. FOr the E the cob of corn should make up the middle horizontal piece but should not have leaves. I'm having trouble posting this and I don't know why.
Okay I have done the requested changes and have provided you with a total of 7 new alternatives, each with subtle differences. If you wanted to combine any of the elements, please just let me know.
Let me take you through the changes:
- The cigarette: 68 and 69 have a solid colour block cigarette and 70 thru 74 have got a white body. The 'i' is actually a capital 'i' but in 68 and 69, the ash of the cigarette tops the letter. I have changed the colour of the smoke coming out of the top to grey, which both reflects the grey of the 'healthcare' at the bottom, and also looks more like smoke! This, I think, makes the graphic look distinctly like a cigarette.
- The 'healthcare' text: I wasn't sure what exactly you meant by 3D, so I have done some actual 3D versions, as in versions 68,69,70 and then have also provided you with some perspective shadow options, as in 71,72,73,74. I have also darkened up the persp. shadow options compared to earlier versions so it pops out more.
- The lion's head 'C': I have taken out a whole lot of detail and really almost just left the front head profile. Versions 68-70 have a very tiny bit more detail in the mane than 71-74, which has less.
- The Rx: I have modified all R's in the latest versions, but have provided 2 options. In versions 68-70, the x forms a slice through the 'R', while in 71-74 it crosses simply.
- The 'E' corn on the cob: has been modified so that it makes the horizontal middle line of the 'E' as requested. I have taken away the leaves and have made it so the corn comes out of the main body of the 'E'.
I have also given you various colour options and gradient styles so you can see the different effects.