On #43 and #42, how about removing the copy "The National Insurance Agency alliance" starting the red swoop (non-ball end) behind the AA on "SIAA" (so the red line sort of forms the cross-bar in the letters A), and reducing the size of "Insurance Choices" just a little? Thanks.
Do you have access to the DIN font? Can you try putting Insurance Choices in that font, and on #61, can you make that line fine enough to go behind the letter A's in SIAA like you did in #56 and #57? Thanks.
#59 and #55 look too much like earrings. And please don't put "The National Insurance Agency Alliance" in any more of them... we'll focus on that sort of thing after we get the logo done. Thanks!
Looking good... I'm going to run it by a few others internally. What software are you using to build this (I ask for purposes of dealing with the files if you should finish first). Thanks.