so when I go to the Shuk in Jerusalem it is a market for food and nice things especially for Shabbat... towers of challah and lots of Halvah vendors giving you tastes... and yes it is very festive and crowded.... IS this what you are trying to capture? Carol
Yes! :) thank far we really like this first one (entry #9) I made a mistake though we want it to say The Shuk not Shuk Events...also maybe we could see with some more color although the blue and white looks great..
17 and 38 are very cool! With 38 can u please make the word SHUK stand out a bit more instead of blend in so looks great...just worried about if its far away from people we don't want the name getting lost.
Just fyi... happy to make adjustments if needed... but I am on vacation from 6/13 -22 and will not be able to respond as quickly.. while I will have my laptop along only checking once a day.
Nice where are you going? Whats your name by the way and where are you located? :) Just curious... We love this logo...just going to do a quick review when we all meet. Can you just send a few more colors of the "shuk" letters please! I like 66 and 67 just want to see a few more colors...
Ok will do different color schemes of those versions.
Going to Alaska with my husband and one son... other son is going on Birthright at the same time! So we are off on summer adventures.
I am in Northern California (Los Altos) and very active in my community here- teach religious school to 6th graders on the side, volunteer on lots of committees etc... wish we had a proper "shuk" near here... Palo Alto Farmer's Market is about the closest...
Hey Carol! I hope you have a great trip. I used to be a counselor for Birthright! I hope your son has a great time! :) Maybe we will come out to Palo Alto some time soon... I really appreciate the different color variations, but I think we still want to see some more color variations... so far though the solid colored lettering seems to be easier to read (from a distance as well) please send some more colors when you can :)
ok #67 is our favorite! can you leave everything as it is but just make the background wall a little less busy?? can you please change the red where the letters are touching the wall to the same light blue that you have there please? so the letters pop a little more