Was the man clip art as well?? How much of it can you reproduce?? i was sold on your idea and would be willing to get you to do it outside this contest even?? Can you resubmit?
Sorry man, one of the roughs I posted to show you what I meant by variations had a clip art duck I stuck on there just to give you a quick idea,. Because of that the board pulled all my entries. Sorry about that, it's my first time trying an entry on this site and I didn't realize I was getting myself in trouble. My fault entirely. Good luck with the endeavor, sounds fun.
That one will have to be redone after the contest. The duck is clip art. I was just trying to show you some quick options for how the original logo could be used.
I uploaded a few versions to give you an idea of what I was talking about. The file is a clean vector file so anyone with even starting level graphics experience can change colors or patterns.
Tried to keep it easily adaptable. The shirt and the "sky" background can be changed for use with target clays, duck hunting, deer hunting, etc. allowing you to keep the same brand image but still have options.
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Anyways. This one is all original right? and the duck can be made after or a pheasant? or simply the backgrounds changed we dont need the birds
Typical clay shooting gear includes a vest, hat and glasses.
Perhaps clays flying inthe background of this one too :D
This is what an upland hunter typically wears:
Don't need to put glasses on him though.
Upland hunting usually refers to pheasant or quail
The waterfowl one is perfect. All i would need is an upland hunter and a clay shooter!
I love this design
Any way to make it like a clay shooter too? like with a shooting vest on and a hat?? Maybe even a different shotgun?? youre a wizard! haha
-Make his shirt camo for example