Hey oscar, no worries at all, and thank you for everything you have done.
would it be possible to do the crescent affect on this emblem? and the red seems a little off still,
I now create a back neck highlight.
And yes, once the contest is ended I will send you my address for future works. (While the contest is open, designers are not allowed to send email addresses)
Again, love the work Oscar :)
I wanted to ask if it would be appropriate to potentially hire you for other work outside of this, i've really enjoyed working with you and your work is truly amazing
i agree with you, i love the subtle style you made, however, with that highlight you did without the emblem looked really well. and I just wanted to see how we could create that with the negative space. Maybe by not using the highlight at the bottom left and creating a highlight that makes that through negitive space. because when its highlighted it looks like a mask disconnected from a face.
No worries at all Oscar, love your talent again, you did an amazing job, i feel with the highlights going all around he would need a jaw,could we see how shobek would look like with more of a face,
also, I really do like the high light touch and would love to see it with the original emblem with everything highlighted on the outside layer
I have an interesting idea, if you look at ninja e-sports icon (the blue and gold" he has the logo and then another layer ontop of it highlighting the shapes (grey out line) i wonder if giving the shobek face/hair a cool outline and creating that shape at the same time would be possible? LMK Oscar you are the talented beast
I send you this revised crescend with two color options (grey and a more luminous red)
Also sent one "blood fang" version that I think not works well, it's ver confous, later I can make another attempt but not easy :)
Please, feel free to ask for any other change you need
Oscar your talents are truly amazing, you’re making this so difficult in the best of ways.
I like this crescent the best however, I believe if you view the icon from a far the crescent might take away from the face and I really want the emblem to compliment from a far or if it is shrinked. I want to make sure the face/ hair is that “icon” also I forget to mention and I apologize for telling you before. I will use the logo by itself and not so much with the font Shobek underneath it. It will always be just the image; so with that in mind don’t worry about it sitting with the font and if we can focus on the emblem to compliment from close and a far that would be amazing. Also would love to see the crescent finish on the original. also as an idea I had with the emblem if you could reference the bloodfang helms outline and potentially create an outline emblem from that “hood/mask” if the pictures aren’t the best for you get an idea you can easily google “blood fang wow gear” and there are limitless images. Again you are such an amazing artist and this is turning out so great:D
Oscar Amaazzing! I really like this font, you did great on putting the old hair onto the revamped model. this is truly looking amazing. In the other comments since we can move forward with this font can we see some new background shapes? The face shape you've created is hand downs "it" now to tinker and see if the back emblem is "it" as well. I want you to know i do love the current emblem in the background I really want to see what else your creativity can come up with :)
Sorry for the little delay, I send you 4 differents fonts that I think that works well with the icon.
Once we have the font we can proof to change the background shield.
Also darkered the face and apply the original hair.
Please, let me know your comments.
Thanks, I'm out of home for two hours, as fast as I can I will send you these variations you propose.
Personally I also think that is a great icon, I am very proud of the result ;)
Absolutely amazing, Oscar I was wondering if we can now reference back to the original you uploaded. I love the simplicity about that logo with the hair, if you would be able to apply that style to this 1, the first you one uploaded resembles hte ninja e-sports logo (theblue picture i uploaded) I think with the new touched up proportions you did with everything now if you apply that same style theme as the first one with the hair, that would be amazing. also, would it be possible to make the face a more darker red? I truly believe you captured the aesthetic of shobek with the face and hair, we just now need to figure out the right shades of color. I would love to see a new font and a new background shape to see how it goes with the icon.
Again Oscar, you've have done such an amazing job, so happy we have met.
My apologies, I'm out of home nowk, tomorrow morning early (here) I will send you the posterior
hair revision.
Thanks again for your pleasant words about my work :)
First and foremost i absolutely love it!
Love how the emblem overlaps into the font.
What I was wondering is if in the back of the guy hairs on the each piece of hair to be more defined. and If you would be open to potentially trying out all new posterior hair styles to see how it flows with the icon.
Again, I so freaking love this so much. You're making my dream come to true rn:)
Oscar this is truly amazing, every revision you have continued to blow me away. I absolutely love this design, and was wondering if the back of the hair could be a little more define in the sense that you can see the different strands more easily. i love the fade in with the grey it was such a beautiful touch that you added in.
I send you a hair version similar to the first design (whit a little more work) and similar to blackwatch genji image you sent.
Also, I change a little the reds of face and emblem.
Please, let me know your comments,
Yes, now I will work with this variations you propose.
In a short time I will send you the new proposal.
(I'm a twitch user, Hearthstone basically, Thanks for your pleasants words about my work, I'm glad to make your icon (sorry for my english)
I like the back emblemss color on the first one with it being more of a darker red, would the face be able to be more of a darker or bloody-er red that pops?
I Seriously love this thing so much, you are such an amazing artist. I am so beyond happy we met and you saw shobek and wanted to create him. :)
This icon is truly amazing, Some things if you wouldnt mind changing would be the hair again, the color of the hair in the original one i like more, would it be possible to change the swooshes again to see dirrent hair styles; i feel the hair is such an icon and important piece.
Also the swoosh u added in the cheek i like in the original one how there was only one that overlaps the emblem behind shobek, you added another one and i was wondering if that could be removed it is last band which is the shaded one. Also, would the eye color be able to be changed?
Would love to see it with being white to see how it looks like on the new revised design. I know the green brings it all together and makes it pop just wanted to see how it would look with it all being the same color scheme.
Many thanks for your pleasant comment about my work!
Yes, now is a little late here (23:00h) but tomorrow morning I will send you some variations about this concept
Maybe different types of hair waves, and swooshes of the bandages. I really love it a lot, potentially no orange and use different color red, and different eye color. as potential changes, i love the concept so if you are interested in doing just total different faces ect with that type of look i would love that
Comment Activity
How about this versions?
#48 #49 #50
would it be possible to do the crescent affect on this emblem? and the red seems a little off still,
I send you this version with more bloody red emblem.
You know, don't hesitate to ask for any other proof you need until you are completely satisfied with the final design
I am so looking forward to the next update!:D
I now create a back neck highlight.
And yes, once the contest is ended I will send you my address for future works. (While the contest is open, designers are not allowed to send email addresses)
I wanted to ask if it would be appropriate to potentially hire you for other work outside of this, i've really enjoyed working with you and your work is truly amazing
I think this one is my favorite out of the highlights.
I send you this 3 options #42 #43 #44
Please, let me know your comments
btw love this as well Oscar <3
For the moment I send you this version with the original with the outside layer.
In a few time I will send you the new version with the jaw.
Anyway, I think that in this version (with the jaw no outlined) no need to complete the jaw, is more subtle that way.
All the best,
also, I really do like the high light touch and would love to see it with the original emblem with everything highlighted on the outside layer
My apologies, I must leave for two hours, soon I return with your logo
Please, let me know your comments
I already tried the outline line but it seemed to me that it did not work well. Now I send it to you
I send you this revised crescend with two color options (grey and a more luminous red)
Also sent one "blood fang" version that I think not works well, it's ver confous, later I can make another attempt but not easy :)
Please, feel free to ask for any other change you need
I will finish a work I have pending and in a few hours I send you the revision and the proof with “blood fang wow gear” outline emblem.
I like this crescent the best however, I believe if you view the icon from a far the crescent might take away from the face and I really want the emblem to compliment from a far or if it is shrinked. I want to make sure the face/ hair is that “icon” also I forget to mention and I apologize for telling you before. I will use the logo by itself and not so much with the font Shobek underneath it. It will always be just the image; so with that in mind don’t worry about it sitting with the font and if we can focus on the emblem to compliment from close and a far that would be amazing. Also would love to see the crescent finish on the original. also as an idea I had with the emblem if you could reference the bloodfang helms outline and potentially create an outline emblem from that “hood/mask” if the pictures aren’t the best for you get an idea you can easily google “blood fang wow gear” and there are limitless images. Again you are such an amazing artist and this is turning out so great:D
How about this version?
In a few hours I will send you some differents emblems for you to revise.
Sorry for the little delay, I send you 4 differents fonts that I think that works well with the icon.
Once we have the font we can proof to change the background shield.
Also darkered the face and apply the original hair.
Please, let me know your comments.
All the best,
Thanks, I'm out of home for two hours, as fast as I can I will send you these variations you propose.
Personally I also think that is a great icon, I am very proud of the result ;)
Again Oscar, you've have done such an amazing job, so happy we have met.
I send you this revised design. I think that the posterior hair is more defined now.
I can send you the two versions (whit and whitout text forto use in differents applications)
Please, don't hesitate to ask for any other proof you need.
All the Best,
My apologies, I'm out of home nowk, tomorrow morning early (here) I will send you the posterior
hair revision.
Thanks again for your pleasant words about my work :)
Love how the emblem overlaps into the font.
What I was wondering is if in the back of the guy hairs on the each piece of hair to be more defined. and If you would be open to potentially trying out all new posterior hair styles to see how it flows with the icon.
Again, I so freaking love this so much. You're making my dream come to true rn:)
I don't know if I understood well about the posterior hair definition.
Also sent you a version whit text
I send you a hair version similar to the first design (whit a little more work) and similar to blackwatch genji image you sent.
Also, I change a little the reds of face and emblem.
Please, let me know your comments,
Yes, now I will work with this variations you propose.
In a short time I will send you the new proposal.
(I'm a twitch user, Hearthstone basically, Thanks for your pleasants words about my work, I'm glad to make your icon (sorry for my english)
I Seriously love this thing so much, you are such an amazing artist. I am so beyond happy we met and you saw shobek and wanted to create him. :)
This icon is truly amazing, Some things if you wouldnt mind changing would be the hair again, the color of the hair in the original one i like more, would it be possible to change the swooshes again to see dirrent hair styles; i feel the hair is such an icon and important piece.
Also the swoosh u added in the cheek i like in the original one how there was only one that overlaps the emblem behind shobek, you added another one and i was wondering if that could be removed it is last band which is the shaded one. Also, would the eye color be able to be changed?
Would love to see it with being white to see how it looks like on the new revised design. I know the green brings it all together and makes it pop just wanted to see how it would look with it all being the same color scheme.
I send you this revised design. I think is more solid nowPlease, don't hesitate to ask for any change you need.
Now I will try the text "SHOBEK".
Many thanks for your pleasant comment about my work!
Yes, now is a little late here (23:00h) but tomorrow morning I will send you some variations about this concept
I would love to see more variations of this because of how much i love it.
Kind regards from Barcelona.