In regards to Entry #81, we really like this design, however, could we see it without the "blocks" around the heart, something like the way the heart and paw lookin in Entry #78 but with it colored in like you already have it. We really like the lettering you have used and the way you have it setup. Great work!! Look forward to seeing the revision.
Hello Again!!! Regard to entry #78, could you also revise that one and incorporate SAC into it? We are really thinking that it will be between your two designs (#81 & #78), once we see the revision; as well the the one that is still ranked frist. However, we really like you design. Thank you again!!!
Hello!! Regard to Entry #90, is there a way you can space the letting of SAC apart a little and incorporate the heart and paw print into a single design. We like where you are going with this design it is fancier than the other ones and we like that. However, we would like not to have to seperate parts of the design. Let us know. Please keep it as sophisticated as you can.