Shatterproof Glass Dolls, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Shatterproof Glass Dolls, LLC

Shatterproof Glass Dolls, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 41 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.










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Logo Designer
Hope you like them :)

14 years ago
Thanks Sue! I love that we're pearched up on the letters, but think we should be wearing classier outfits. Dresses maybe? Also, please make the ladies darker. Could I see the letters in pink and in a sexier font? Thanks so much again for your entries!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Great feedback! Im working on it!

Sue :D
14 years ago
ok, I like this a little more, however the letters are too skinny. Think sex and the city type font :-). We'll be using this in our new banner, tshirts, pomotional stuff. Everything. Luxurious and classy. Thanks for your entries!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sex and the city, great reference! I got it, working on this :)
14 years ago
YES! Now you're talking! Something is still missing though :-( Though I love the effect of the font, how "shiny" it is and I love the mirror effect, I still wish there was something different. What other style black girls do you have? These girls almost don't match those letters (as in stylishness) . But wow! Thanks for listening and making adjustments. It's looking better and better :-)
14 years ago
And maybe move the perching girl to a different letter. She's blocking the O badly.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Working on the new changes :)

Thank you!
14 years ago
I just got to thinking. Let's try sexy silhouettes with big curly hair or maybe girls from the waist up on either side. Think pretty, sexy, youthful. I am starting to get excited here! Yay!
14 years ago
You know what, I like the silhouettes, but I feel like they look jumbled together. please try separating them. Have them lounging on or around the words. Hair should be longer, but keep it big. I am loving the hell out of those letters though. Thanks so much for your patience with me melisari and thanks for doing such a wonderful job
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, actually, i want you to look at the girls alone, i made them separatly, and then, i put them together for the logo, but they can be wherever we want, i will submit the new entries in a 15 minutes, and thank you for your wonderfull feedback!

14 years ago
I don't like the dresses. I am in love with those letters. But can we try something compltely different with the girls? head shots on either side maybe? How about lounging silhouettes. Play with it a little. I know between the both of us, we can figure this all the way out :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Mmm, i dont know, im not so good on this :)

I wish you the best of lucks, you are in good hands with anna :D she is awesome.

Thank you again, the name "shatterproof glassdolls" is just amazing and that made me enter to the contest, really appealing.

:D Big hug,

14 years ago
Thanks so much Sue :-) You have been a wonderful help. I really appreciate all your hard work :-)
14 years ago
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