We really like the subtly of the fin in the "K" of shark. We also really like the weight and font chosen for shark. However, it looks like the ascender of the "k" (the portion not making up the shark fin) is a bit anemic -- like it should have a bit more thinness to it.
Also, could we add a bit more weight to the word "academy"? The balance between the two in terms of sizing works, but we're worried that at smaller sizes the academy would get lost and the thin font would be hard to put on things like t-shirts and other screen printed or embroidered materials.
#72 we like the thicker arm on the K, but it looks like you added serifs to a few of the letters, which we don't necessarily like. It also looks like a few of the horizontal bars and whatnot are a bit thinner in the new design. We like the weight of the first design except for that upper arm of the K.
Also, if we could see a bit of orange in the design, that would be great (maybe a darker orange in the "academy"?). Right now the design is very flat in terms of coloring and we'd like a bit more dimension. Thanks!