I enjoy #204, but I'm hoping you can make a few more revisions.
1) There are a few too many colors of blue. If you notice in #176 the color variation from the top to bottom is very slight. The edit made for #204 is a bigger contrast in shades. We'd like to try and get back to the slight variation you have in #176, but with darker blues.
2) Can we match the color of the shark fin to the color you choose for the top of the word "shark"?
3) The orange color falls a bit too much on the "red-orange" scale. Something more like #cf5300? We're looking for a burnt orange, but not necessarily a red orange.
4) There's a bit of a disconnect between the top of the letters in shark and the bottom of the letters. We like the line to denote where the shark fin has gone, but we think the extra white space/line in addition to that separates the logo a bit too much. Could we see a design with ONLY the horizontal blue line and not the white line/space?