A lot of ideas here! We are particularly intriqued by the design that incorporates the "S" into the shape of the shark. If possible we'd like to see a variation that includes the gills and eye, but not the teeth.
Also, while we like the colored backgrounds, something that could easily be converted into a png with a transparent background would be preferable.
Any chance to see some designs that incorporate a bit more color variation outside of just the gray/blues? Perhaps more than one color in the logo/text itself? Thanks!
We like the design that incorporates the "s" as part of the word -- but the "S" standing alone at this point doesn't denote what the full brand is about; since we haven't fully developed our brand identity and notoriety, we would need at least something right now that listed the full name and could later stand alone.
on #5 we're like where you're going with the idea, but the fin in the A makes the letter look a bit awkward and not as cohesive with the rest of the letters (maybe it's the top being too flat or the fact that without the fin graphic is doesn't really emulate an "A").
If you can find a way to alter that to make it a bit more cohesive, we're definitely intrigued. We do like the bit of wave that you have going on with #5 rather than just the plain fin as shown in #4. Could we also see some color variation? Orange is incorporated into some of our other design elements -- but only slightly and as a pop of color.
thank you for the feed back, I'll get to work on revisions and updates. On a side not please keep in mind that I was the first persons to introduce the shark in in corporate din the letter A and S LT please keep that in mind..
As much as I really luv #54 because it's clever use of the "S"and it's derivative.... #91 is my fave. it clean, smart, dynamic and aggressive and looks cool!
We are really diggin' #112 as well!! Let me run it by the rest of the team and see what they like -- thank you for taking our suggestions so well and getting us revisions!
Great thank you. I'd like to point out that there is no fine detail that would get lost for example embroidering on ball caps sweat top golf tee etc. I want one :)
are you 100% sure than my fin A version which is cool! and easily stands on it's own without help from surrounding letters would not be perfect for the Academy.