I like your responsiveness and creativity. Your a good designer. I like the house in entry #12. Will you try some red somewhere (maybe that line that ties it all together) I would also like to see some bolder fonts, but you are going the right direction. I see you your art in a lot of contests, you good. Thank you!
I really like the idea in entry #2 of a scribble zebra house effect. That is an idea I had not thought of...can you push that idea a little looser and maybe with some color? Your ideas are great!
I do love your ideas and your efforts. Thank you so much for your time. I was out of town yesterday without internet service. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I still really like your entry #2, I especially like the scribble at the end. Can you create the house out of just a scribble that just has the suggestion of zebra? Also I like the new designs too, how about maybe just the roof in Zebra? A little zebra goes a long way. Thank you so much again. I can't wait to see your next ideas.
I have two tag lines " wild about making a difference" OR "the difference". Will you please choose one or the other tag line for the logo? It doesn't matter which one to me, but only one tag line on the logo. You have placed both of them on the new logo. Thank you for creating the scribble effect. As soon as you are able to update the tag line, I will rank it. Again, thank you for your time in designing! You're awesome.