#138 Thank you so much for your feedback. Please let me know if this is what you had in mind or would like to see something else? Also, please feel free to leave feedback on this page as well as it is private until the contest is complete :)
Thank you so much for the feedback. There seems to be a server problem with the site at the moment and I am unable to upload any revisions, but will get that to you as soon as the problem is fixed.
On #113-- I love your design, but would you try out some different colors? A combination I've seen that I like is a deep plum color with accents of lime and shades of orange or bronze Our colors have evolved somewhat from where we started, for sure! Try the other design using a deep plum background and outline the dog and cat in lime and the wording in a gradient bronze. Maybe you have some additional ideas. Thanks! Becky
Faith, on 148 would you outline the animals and make their eyes the gold color? On 147, maybe l Plum wasn't the right description of color. How about Eggplant or deep purple. And change the peach to Gold.
PERFECT!! I can guarantee my husband won't catch it and one or more staff members will say, "uhhh, Doc, that dog is a little plump, isn't it?", before anyone reads the fine print!! That's hysterical, Faith!! Thanks!!!!