We are selecting this one as the winner - congratulations and thanks for all of your help. Can you please remove the LLC and the red sound bars before you send the final files? Thank you!
Have you check the new entry I have uploaded, I tried to fit the tmpelete with my latest entry, and still trying to fit other design but it didn't fit quiet well, so I upoloaded my latest entry with the templete you gave,hope its fit the templete
OMG - you do such beautiful work - thank you so much. I can see how difficult that would be to make a round logo out of the words. Since this is for a sign, I have uploaded a very CRUDE example of what I was trying to convey. This design has to fit on the front of the building and needs to stand out. It might actually be done in aluminum like the current sign that is there. Can you please try a design that will fit into this concept? I promise I am not wasting your time as you will be declared the winner anyway. Thank you for your hard work!
I have uploaded the new entry, somehow its hard to make a circle deaign so i added the sf in full san fransisco, because the letters is to short to make a circle, again hope its what you have in mind.
Great job on your logos and designs. I really appreciate your creativity. Can I ask one more favor? Can you also include one that instead of a cross is a lollipop? In other words that has a round circle on the top. It will be OK to have a cross like top to it that includes the C for city.
Great thank you for your hard work - i really appreciate what you are doing. I will show these to the owner in the morning. Also, can you make one sign with a cross? With SF City on the left to right, and Live on the up and down portion of the cross? I am trying to see what this will look like on the already present marquis on the building. Thank you so much!
I have uploaded a better picture of the marquis on the left side of the building. Please look at the image FHCbuilding.jpg, in the contest description. Thank you!
Hello and thanks, well on the marquee I try to make some exmaple of it, but maybe the best option is make the logo still horizontal but put it in vertical can we do that? just my suggestion, but still i will try make some example, Thank you
Great job - we met with the partners about this project and they like your logo the best. The only concern is how this will look on a marquee outside the property that is vertical - and not horizontal. Can you please give an example of this as a vertical logo? Thank you!
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