Hello On entry 54, can you take out the lace and button and make the stitch line white and add the rick rack (purple zig zag on the bottom) to the top too? Buttons and Lace makes it to cute and young.
dear contest holder With all due respect allow me please to give some tips about the ranking system. ..the system is designed to have 1 designer assigned to each of the top 4 spots....thus the winner gets 50 points , the silver gets 25 and so on...those assign to below 4 receive a token 1 point but these all add up to boost our personal rankings...
you are not governed by this but as mentioned by assigning 1 designer to each of the top 4 you recognize the time and talent that goes into you contest even though we may not win we do appreciate the awards given..if one designer is give all the awards it's not fair to the other participants who have dedicated time to enter you contest. kind regards