Not crazy about this take on the dude head. The hair is good but rest looks off, not friendly enough? The font is still too professional or polished for our vibe although I love the way you naturally work the medical, legal, guitar images in so they are part of the logo but subtext.
Very cool. The dude head looks a bit pantomime or opera or something - can't put words too but not quite right. Maybe try the dude head above and give it a little more attitude? Also, the letters/font are pretty cool but almost feels too formal or elegant for Several Dudes, which is good time, boogie, funk and groovin rock.
Thank you for your feedback. You are right. Obviously, when designing this logo ,I had American classic rock bands like Altman Brothers or Doobie Brothers on my mind. That's the music I frequently come back too. I will try to soften it a bit - also by adding some color.
I love the way you weaved the doctor and lawyer stuff in without making it too prominent. The overall feel is a little too "gothic" i think. Looking for more retro/80s/fun (but not cheesey).... Maybe less angular and less embellishments in the letters. Less "serious"
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