Thanks. When you send the files, is it possible to send one version of the dude head and one version of the name as separate files in case we want to just use the dude head on something or just use the name separately?
Just heard back from our band leader who absolutely loves the way the white and black picks look with the celluloid treatment. If you can send me both black and white versions with the two borders for light and black backgrounds we should be done. Thanks again for the great work. I am looking forward to getting this logo onto our website, t-shirts, and whatever else we can think to put it on!
Terrific - I think they look great! Our band leader is asleep on the East coast US right now so I will drop you a message tomorrow to confirm we are done! Thank you for the excellent work!
Looks great! Are you able to do the same thing for a white celluloid pick also so it will pop on a black shirt and then we can use this one for a lighter background. Just let me know if there is an extra cost for that. Thanks!
I am selecting this as the winner but the band is split between two of your designs and I would really appreciate if you could try one more thing. In addition to trying to make the pick background the white celluloid guitar pick color, would it be possible for you to do the same thing to #106 with a black celluloid pick look? People really liked the white line around the dude head on that one (but not tracing along the top of the hair like 117.) the way you did the border on 106 makes the dude head look bigger and pop more. Here is a link to a black celluloid guitar pick:
I really like what you did here. This comes close to what I was trying to describe. I did some googling and if you search "white celluloid guitar pick" you will see exactly what I mean!
The files will be layered, so it's detachable from the background. I usually added an extra transparent-background PNG file for websites. For T-shirt and merchandise, you just have to send the AI or EPS file to the manufacturer.
These are excellent! Sending to my bandmates and will get back to you tomorrow. The only question if have at this point is trying to understand the file I will be getting. Is the whole file a square (so white or black border) or is it just the images you created (pick, name, etc.). Assuming the latter just trying to picture in our applications (on a web site, on a shirt, etc). Thanks!!!
Hi! I just uploaded some alternatives.
With black background, we usually added an outline.
Even if we change the pick to other color, we still put an outline so the design pops up.
Let me know your thoughts.
By iridescent pearl with depth, I guess i mean a white with some gray to provide depth? Logo Tournament gave me a little more time recognizing we probably have a big time difference.
Our band leader likes this version the most but it won't work on a black t-shirt. Can you try to make the pick maybe an iridescent pearl color? I like it having some depth/3d like you accomplished on the last yellow one.
I have a couple more things to try based on comments from the whole band,,,,
1. The pick frame is necessarily upside down because the name is bigger than the head. Maybe try pick with small side down and see how it looks and try pick just around dude head and not name. Also maybe try something different than the wavey lines to make it look more like a guitar pick (although the wavey lines are pretty cool).
2. Alternatively, ditch the pick frame and instead make the V in Several look like a guitar pick (the pick helps signal Several Dudes is a band).
3. Only one person likes the neck so I think we are over that and i think that means the hands don't work ultimately.
Waiting for a little more feedback from a band member but we are close!
Everyone in the band keeps coming back to your design but we are struggling with what the best/final version should be? Pick frame or not? Hands? If yes, prefer peace sign. Thanks for continuing to iterate to help us see different options.
This is cool. I am not sure I like neck because it is different than the dude head we are used to...Another member liked it and wondered if a collar would be cool - so there are two opinions that don't align unfortunately. Fingers look a little too thick maybe.
Very responsive changes! I am on west coast of US and the other 2 bandmates helping are on east coast so I will get you consolidated comments tomorrow. My initial reaction on all is I actually like your original color distribution better (these are too much yellow). Maybe just needed a smaller diminishment if the orange?
Our drummer (artist of the dude head) liked this a lot. Here are his thoughts for some potential iterarations:
1. Try adding some forward movement to the head (maybe with thin movement lines behind the thick back black line?)
2. Interested to see what it would look like with slightly less orange and more yellow in letters.
3. Try some frames around the whole thing (thinking how it would look on a t-shirt. Maybe shape of a guitar pick (although would have to be upside down cuz dude head probably looks best above letters.
4. Maybe try creating hands resting on the SE and AL (kind like climbing or sticking head over a wall? Probably requires adding a neck? Maybe hands in peace sign (concerned that is too cliche though).
I like that better. Our drummer is the artist who originally drew the dude head in the late 1980s. He has been out of pocket until tomorrow afternoon so i am interested in getting his feedback in the final round.
Don't love the circle around the dude head. On one hand, I appreciate the attempt at an aztec type feel with the triangles but it just doesn't hit me right all together. The dude head might need to appear without anything else around it? Or maybe try a pick shaped framing of the head?
After asking for it, I am not sure the "smile" quite works. Maybe more of a smirk or just back to what you had and just raise eyebrow a little more to show some attitude? There are different opinions among the couple band members helping with this on which letters should be uppercase and which lower. Some find it confusing that some upper and some lower in middle of word. I think the lower case d's look cool but not in all variations.
A couple more comments from another band member....Maybe make the S and L in Several even bigger to wrap around more? Perhaps try text in a couple different places (one word above and one below head, wrapped around the head? Maybe make the head one of the letters if possible? In addition to the comment above about making the mouth more of a smile, perhaps a "smirk" is a better description. Accompanied by a slightly raised eyebrow?
I tried to send comments earlier and it looks like they didn't come through. This is really great. Definitely evokes the fun, groovin, rockin dude image we are looking for. The dude face is great. Maybe angle mouth up more towards a smile. We are a very positive band. Don't want to lose the cool factor though. Wondering what it would look like in different colors? The dude head is so good in green though...Also wonder how it would look with lower case d's in dudes?
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Thank you!
on black background
if you put it on colored background, we still have to put in the white outline, like this:
With black background, we usually added an outline.
Even if we change the pick to other color, we still put an outline so the design pops up.
Let me know your thoughts.
1. The pick frame is necessarily upside down because the name is bigger than the head. Maybe try pick with small side down and see how it looks and try pick just around dude head and not name. Also maybe try something different than the wavey lines to make it look more like a guitar pick (although the wavey lines are pretty cool).
2. Alternatively, ditch the pick frame and instead make the V in Several look like a guitar pick (the pick helps signal Several Dudes is a band).
3. Only one person likes the neck so I think we are over that and i think that means the hands don't work ultimately.
Waiting for a little more feedback from a band member but we are close!
I just uploaded the revisions
I just uploaded the revisions, let me know your thoughts!
1. Try adding some forward movement to the head (maybe with thin movement lines behind the thick back black line?)
2. Interested to see what it would look like with slightly less orange and more yellow in letters.
3. Try some frames around the whole thing (thinking how it would look on a t-shirt. Maybe shape of a guitar pick (although would have to be upside down cuz dude head probably looks best above letters.
4. Maybe try creating hands resting on the SE and AL (kind like climbing or sticking head over a wall? Probably requires adding a neck? Maybe hands in peace sign (concerned that is too cliche though).
Here's the original face with raised eyebrow