We'd like to ask you to modify as followings:
1. Let "N" be more readable, please.
Now it's a little bit difficult to read "N" because right vertical line is totally part of effector pedal. Small space may be needed like "I".
2. Change/Erase "Circle with wings" mark on the pedal, please.
This is very similar to Mad Professor's logo.
3. We'd like to see some color on logo.
#118 is not our direction.
We want to see some color in a tiny part of logo such as:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/wm2fyiwbkkadcxs/380752968757-350.png?dl=0 Overall, this is blue monotone. But you can see red on it. It's very tiny part of total design. But eye catchy :)
Thanks in advance.