what about the entire pentagram made with an assemblage of tens of feet and hands, and not only the center of it ? like one of the poster of the campaign of Obama, where his face was composed with sentences and words. you remember that one ?
#19, in fact, I would see the same illustration as #17, but with each part of the logo (blue border, red radar graph, and orange part of the graph composed with tens (hundreads of feet and hands - and this would appear only when the logo would be at large scale, or when the people would pay attention to it.
we could keep the idea of a 6 axe graph, like your first proposal, including the green color, and having a radar chart as explained here above (fractal in a sense) * what do you think ?
In fact, I can t see the content of the radar as the resolution of the screen is too low. is there a way just to put the logo ? so I can identify its content ?
#24 thanks, I could see it now. not exactly. My concern is to see in the details of the logo hands and feet, like you see in the Obama posters others things when you approach in details. More like #19 with another scale and a design composed with hands and feet, is that more clear ?
#26 hello, not it is not exactly that. Could the blue line for instance be the result of a lot of different hands and feet that would compose it ? I mean the feet and hands would not be seen when you would look at the logo as a whole but would appear when you would look the line in detail. This means that the hands and feet should be smaller, and would be different depending the part of the logo. Like dots in an image. Is that more clear?