#14 - we like that this immediately sends a signal of rental property. The design element is interesting and fresh. The same applies to your entry # 13. We like the current colours but are curious about other colours also.
#15 - I see in this design the desire to show to viewers that the company looks carefully for listings and has a keen eye for details. We would like to see how you incorporate this element in a fresh and creative manner that differentiates the logo from for example that of private investigators.
Thanks for your additional entries. We especially like new entries #25 and 26. Feel free to continue to incorporate other colours and styles in the designs. we are not opposed to abstract designs that will sell the product.
Thanks for these additional designs! I like entry # 140. Consider whether there is any way you could make it more Caribbean. Will revert to you regarding your other designs soon
i can't submit new entries again, because in judging mode only 1st rank can submit new entries. If you want update from me, just put me in 1st rank and i will update.
Thanks for your response. I will be moving the ranking to allow for updates. i will get back to you regarding any changes I'd like and adjust the ranking at that point to allow you to make changes. By the way, if you are the winning designer, do you submit the design in black and white and/or monochrome as well as in colour?