Instead of the white shimmer that you have on the icon, could you instead add a gradient to the actual leaves that will make them together look spherical? Also, can you keep the SEO black and the font that size, but then make the grove a bit smaller? Can you add a slight gradient to the letters? Something similar to #21 by bod. The fonts look more refined. I like you black and green though. Grove should stay green. Thanks.
I like the latest #114, but can you make it so that the "S" is not squished? Can it be the same as the other letters? Can you please make the SEO slightly bolded so that it is just slightly bigger than Grove?
Sorry, but just one last request from the team. Instead of black for the "SEO" could you make it the blue from #21? That will be it. Thanks so much. Looks great.
So close. Hate to be asking for these final tweaks over and over. Just think the blue came out a bit too dark. Can you make it more like #86? So sorry.