#10- get rid of circle around "i" triangle (maybe make triangle black) and delete small element on "X". Keep red part the same though.
#12/13, sentinel name needs to be bigger in realtionship to hdx (hdx will change with new generations. also simplify digitization elements on "X"...too many small parts for small reproductions.
Please make the X lower case. HDx Also, would you please provide alternate color options for us to see for entries #164 and #153. these are our favorites so far as you can tell by the current rankings! Thanks.
This was posted on the brief earlier: February 8th, 2013, 12:48pm Please experiment with aging or distressing the Sentinel font. Please standardize on lower case X on HDx. Please experiment with placing the aperture off axis. Please experiment with placing the HDx within the aperture.
Some concepts are already submitted by other designers and using others concept is not allowed...
For example.. I placed play button inside appurture and using 'i' dot as appurture is my main concept... no one else will use it... Though i will try again to submit more variation of my concept and new concepts soon
Contest has been extended! No more black and red please. Please try making the word "Sentinel" appear to be made of granite or rock. We need LOGO concepts please. Separate logo and product name please.