I like both of your submissions, especially the one with the candle in the i of Senior, clever, although my company name is SensualSeniors.Org...(you left off the s on the end of Seniors). I was hoping you might be able to show me both of these ideas with the tagline incorporated somehow and I also prefer the color transition on the one with the candle...reminds me of moving up the chakras.
Can you also show me this with sensual in a deeper red/maroon type color rather than this slightly pinkish tone, as well as some other possible color/gradient transitions?
Hi Kois, I am totally smitten with the one with the flame, its clean, its interesting, it tells the story! Can you show it to me with the ensual and eniors letters slightly smaller so the Ss standout a bit more? Anything else you would do to make it pop?
This is the sizing I want, love it. Last request, Can you give me some different color options/combinations....cools, black, just some additional ways this could be used.
Hi I thought I had made an additional request but I don't see it here in the comments so I must have done something wrong and didn't post it. So I love the black version of this logo and my request was to show me that version with a bit more of the red somewhere...either in the slogan, the line, the shadow, the .org, etc. Would you mind sharing a few options with me? Also what if I want the black version and the red and orange version, can I get both?
Hi Kois, I showed this version to some folks and they love it, me too!! Got a couple comments on the flame though saying it looks more like a feather than a flame. Any ideas on how to make it more flamelike?