#79 in my opinion best color scheme #82 comment about colors overall #84 comment about "H" letter alternative #86 in my opinion the best looking horisontal layout
And don't underestimate power of #46 variation as addition for tiny icons (for example social medias avatars)
Also want to mention. "See the pro" is best looking exactly in square form. It is a great luck to have naming with 3 words x 3 letters. I think this possibility must be used if it's possible.
Waiting for feedback or changes.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards,
As option — you don't have to entangle yourself to single color. The character itself is not generic and strong enough to be branding anchor.
So swapping colors due to situation/mood could be not a bad option as part of branding strategy.
It is initial concept.
I tried to make it as more modern as I could with a little storytelling plot.
Colors selected according to your list, but could be swapped at will.
Illustration a bit rough lines and tiny noisy texture to make it more authentic. If you like the concept could be done version with more precised and boring lines.
Logotype "see the pro" is custom made in base of rectangle divided by 9 more rectangles (each for letter). Can serve as standalone logo (when illustration is not needed).
Logo itself contains good base for company branding development.
Hope you'll like it!
Anyway, would be glad to hear any honest feedback.
Best regards,
Comment Activity
Anyway, Have a nice day!
#79 in my opinion best color scheme
#82 comment about colors overall
#84 comment about "H" letter alternative
#86 in my opinion the best looking horisontal layout
And don't underestimate power of #46 variation as addition for tiny icons (for example social medias avatars)
Also want to mention. "See the pro" is best looking exactly in square form. It is a great luck to have naming with 3 words x 3 letters. I think this possibility must be used if it's possible.
Waiting for feedback or changes.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards,
It's an option to balance "H" as the only letter that has no horisontal bar at top and bottom.
This one I like the best (between horisontals). But you to decide.
So swapping colors due to situation/mood could be not a bad option as part of branding strategy.
Working on horisontal variant.
Blink and phone screen remains light blue. This better not change. It works good this way.
Blink and phone screen remains light. This better not change. It works good this way.
Blink and phone screen remains light. This better not change. It works good this way.
Blink and phone screen remains light. This better not change. It works good this way.
Blink and phone screen remains light. This better not change. It works good this way.
Will be done as soon as possible!
Any specific prefered colors ?
also note we need to present this in horizontal and vertical formats
think of the fitting.
Want to introduce my work.
It is initial concept.
I tried to make it as more modern as I could with a little storytelling plot.
Colors selected according to your list, but could be swapped at will.
Illustration a bit rough lines and tiny noisy texture to make it more authentic. If you like the concept could be done version with more precised and boring lines.
Logotype "see the pro" is custom made in base of rectangle divided by 9 more rectangles (each for letter). Can serve as standalone logo (when illustration is not needed).
Logo itself contains good base for company branding development.
Hope you'll like it!
Anyway, would be glad to hear any honest feedback.
Best regards,