•I would like to see a WORDMARK concept only for SECURITYBIDZ.COM at this time. I look forward to your new ideas. (see note below)
SECURITY - the state of being or feeling secure; freedom from fear, anxiety, danger, doubt, etc.; state or sense of safety or certainty; something that gives or assures ... • SECURITYBIDZ.COM logo should convey the above definition, however should also reflect all things security, strength, growth, and a global presence. Would like some kind of hidden message in SECURITYBIDZ by manipulating the font, similar to the arrow reflected in FedEx. Should also convey SecurityBidz provides bids for any and all types of security services offered to date.
sorry sir but i have sanded my new design but admin not yet accepted that all design. i have sanded so many time massages but they are not answering to me.