My first submission for your project, If there any request such color option or anything, i really open for any of those, and I love to do any request if there are any.
Hoping you can make some adjustments to your concept for me.
The Shield is not what I am looking for,. Feels like a patch a security guard might wear on his or her uniform.
Can you soften the look of the shield. Also, would like to see something different on the atlas or globe inside the shield. Maybe a hollow globe?
Lastly the font, this is too bold for what I am looking for. Would like to see examples of other creative concepts for, maybe even moving the lettering to the right side of the shield?
Thanks for your appreciation on my work by leave me some a feedback, of course i'll make adjustment and provide some revision as you requests. Please be patience, if there any additional request such color option or anything, i really open for any of those, and I love to do any request if there are any.
1. Logo using a version of the globe (however just the land on the globe, and a fine circular outline of the World, with the words security bidz circling the globe. Try and create a transparency effect in the globe.
2. Also would like to see these items somehow incorporated into your original design if possible • SECURITY - the state of being or feeling secure; freedom from fear, anxiety, danger, doubt, etc.; state or sense of safety or certainty; something that gives or assures ... • SECURITYBIDZ.COM logo should convey the above definition, however should also reflect all things security, strength, growth, and a global presence. Would like some kind of hidden message in SECURITYBIDZ by manipulating the font, (Maybe a padlock or the word secure or a video camera, something very unique, cool and sophisticated? Simiar to that of the word FedEx - this has a hidden arrow in the word that has meaning of growth and moving forward, or GOOGLE, how they incoporated 2008 into their logo which symbalizes an anniversary date or something.
When you mention business branding many may believe that means to be the logo itself. Although the logo is only a small piece of the larger marketing puzzle, it is in fact a very vital one. A logo is a symbol that will provide consumers with hopefully instant brand recognition. At least that is the goal for any business logo
Can you please soften the edges on the shield. Reminds me of a shirt patch, not sure a shield is what I want as part of the logo.
I do like the key hole you added in the lettering. Are there any other hidden messages you can think of to build into the wording or even the logo itself (007 maybe) James Bond something creative like that?
Hi there, Sorry for delay reply. Oke, i'll try to make a key on "I", but not in Security, because another designer was using before, how about at "I" BIDZ? i can't using same alement if another designer was using at same place, that not be allowed by admin of LT, thanks for your understanding.
Hi there, Sorry i can't using icon key at letter "I", because one designer send me a PM and protest if the concept is was him concept, also start Logo Court Cases agains my designs. If i lose at Logo Court Cases my account will get point of violations from admin of LT. So i'll withdraw my design was using icon key at letter "I". I replace with new design by remove the key, and make design/teks more deep look like, hope you will understanding. But if you need any additional revision based my original design, i'll do that. Just let me know what you thought, thanks.
•I would like to see a WORDMARK concept only for SECURITYBIDZ.COM at this time. I look forward to your new ideas. (see note below)
SECURITY - the state of being or feeling secure; freedom from fear, anxiety, danger, doubt, etc.; state or sense of safety or certainty; something that gives or assures ... • SECURITYBIDZ.COM logo should convey the above definition, however should also reflect all things security, strength, growth, and a global presence. Would like some kind of hidden message in SECURITYBIDZ by manipulating the font, similar to the arrow reflected in FedEx. Should also convey SecurityBidz provides bids for any and all types of security services offered to date.
Hi there, Sorry i can't resubmit new design at judging mode, only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit entries. If you need revision design from me, please re ranking the contest, so i can resubmit new design according your requests, thanks.