The other designer withdrew their submissions so you are the only one who has submitted anything so far. I'm going to adjust the rankings and then get some sleep. I'm deployed to Iraq and it's almost midnight here.
#11 has one minor change. The dash between security and first is now a padlock (locked) When replying to the designs, it is easier for the designer if you left a reply on the designers page rather then the main page of the contest. If you comment here, an e-mail is sent to notify me that you had left some feedback. Another option is you can private message me ( that goes directly to my inbox) It is 3:30 am here, so I need to get some rest. Let me know if there is anything you would like to see, and I will do my best to get it to you tomorrow. A big thumbs up for doing what you guys are doing over there. My family and I appriciate it! Thanks, Glendon
I am curious to see what a modified version of #10 would look like. Would it be possible for you to replace the "1" in #10 with the key from #9? I'd also like to keep the binary code in there.
On a side note, if you end up being the winner would you have a problem giving me an extra graphic with only the logo minus the text? I just realized there may be some instances where I'd like to use the logo only.
#93 This would look pretty cool animated! I can see the lock locked, then all the code zipping by and it gradually forms the "SF" key in the middle, then the lock pops open. That would be a really neat flash intro for your site!