Well, you've given us a gem during the last stretch in #27... very well done. 1) Change the word 'Associates' to a gold-tone that matches the rays of light from the lighthouse. We're not sure about this change without seeing it, so that would be helpful to make the final decision. 2) We are incorporated and not an LLC, so that text would change to "Seacoast Associates, Inc."
I don't like "Associates, Inc." in the gold tone. Besides being hard to read, it also brings undue attention to the word and it seems distracting...IMO.
Bill, as we look at the lighthouse in your art, it seems to be a bit too light in color. I know the blue in the company name is a dark blue, but since our website will be www.seacoastlight.com, referring to a lighthouse (they're known as 'lights' in that industry, rather than 'lighthouses'), we'd like for the structure to be somewhat more prominent by having a stronger color. In your opinion, would a feature like brick lines, or a window or two, add anything? We'll take your judgement about that...
A light is always in the background or horizon, it's a becon that lights the way ...it guides. Your name "SEACOAST" is more important and should be in the fore-front. You are a marine based business and waves are just as important as the light, if not more.
There is plenty of detail in the light, ie. rails, windows, tower, becon of light rays, etc, but most important are the "WAVES" which represent a marine business, you don't build light houses so be careful not to get all consumed with the lighthouse and it's detail or you will look like a "Restaurant" or a lobster house tourist destination.
The Light must be an icon or mark rather than look like a painting or an illustration. Look at all the major SP500 companies and you will see simple is alway the better.