Scout for ProLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Scout for Pro

Scout for Pro has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 244 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.










































































Logo Designer
Hello, I am honored to be participating in your contest. Here is my design #44 #45, I hope you enjoy.
If you have comments, please let me know.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
Thanks Daniel! Happy to have ya! I really like entry 44, very clean and professional. One thing I am also looking for to go along with the name is a emblem above it perhaps, so that my bussiness can be recognized by a picture. A cool concept was the eye, with the world inside or something? Im not sure, just throwing out ideas! But after your first entry you are number 1! So im excited to see some more of your work. If you could throw some other stuff together i would love it, thanks!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your comments and ranking of my design.
Here is another design alternative I added a picture of the world #54 #55, hope you like it.

If you have any requirement please let me know.

It is a pleasure to work for you.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
Awesome additions. I really like them. Lets try it with a nice vibrant blue like some of the other logos have instead of the green. Id also like to see the straight line on the bottom of scout for pro, and maybe making "where players become pro" a little more recognizeable. Lastly, maybe we can make the word 'for' a litle smaller then the other words.

I dont know if i like 54 or 44 better lol theyre both good. I like having a picturemark and its really cool, although the player as the letter 't' is so sleek and cool. Im sure you will amaze me with something else. Looking forward to it!
12 years ago
one last thing i wanted to say was if we change the green to blue, maybe we can have the little soccer ball stand out and make it gold? it might look bad, but just an idea :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, thank you very much for your feedback.
Here are the changes required #60 #61 #62 #63, I hope you are all well.

Your comments are welcome.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
Thanks for the update.

Its so hard to choice which i like best! which is a good thing of course.

A couple comments i can make..i think i like have the line going on-top/below "scoutforpro" in entry 55 and 54. But i just think the words "where players become pros get missed because of how small it is. If theres a way to have a line and make the words bigger that would be nice

I like that you tried keeping the sillouette as the letter T and just putting the world image behind it in entry 62. I think though, once the image becomes smaller, it looses the effect of looking like the world and becomes a little distorted. Even in the larger size entry 63, perhaps the world can extend a little further down towards his leg and be a little clearer that its the continents behind?

Your entries have been so good, so i guess the only way to try to improve is to be picky lol so i apologize. If you have any ideas or alterations, color variations or anything else you like or think would look good, i am always open. Thanks again!
12 years ago
quick note, i really like the blue from ranking number 4 logo
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, here I uploaded a new alternative #93, hope you like it.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
Hey, I really like the blue you used. I think its good you made "where players become pros" bigger, but now that line looks too small, would you agree? maybe if there was a litte line on each side it would look as bad being small, something like ----where players become pros---

the lines circles are really cool, and i would probably pick that as my number one if it didnt remind me of a different company. There is a phone company, i think it is att had an old symbol like that. I would prefer all the lines be going the same direction. I know the contest is ending soon so hopefully i get this to you in time.

One last cool concept would be some type of bulls eye with the player in front of it. I still really love entry 63 and 44. If you could repost entry 44 but with the new blue. and if you can repost 63 with a cleaner world image, fixing the where players become pro as well thats are two tops choices. THanks so much

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your comment.
Here is my design with the required change #100 #101 #102 #103 #104 #105.
I hope you are all well.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
nice work, i think i like 104 the best although you do make it difficult. I dont like that there is a piece of blue missing above the head of the player though, if its possible to change it and keep it smooth all the way around the circle. Is it supposed to be a smooth flow from one blue to the next, or purposely clear change of color like it is now?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
new changes #112 #113
12 years ago
congratulations! I thought you had the most ideas and the best work overall, and alot of things that I liked. I still would like to alter a couple things, because im not sure which of your logos is absolutly my favorite yet. I still really like entry 100 because it has the world in the logo. Though I love the two different color blues that you incorporated in 105 and 113. 112 might look cool, if the circles are reversed. at the moment, theres two thin lines and two think, so maybe if it was one thick one skinny on each side if that makes sense.

I did really like the font from ranking number 2 for "where players become pros" because it has that success feel to it if its possible to toy around a bit. THanks!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your feedback.
Here is my design with the required change #114 #115.
I hope you are all well.

Your comments are welcome.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
Great thanks, I will leave feedback I have a limited amount of time/days to edit my logo with you?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
of course
12 years ago
115 is cool. I wonder if there is too much going on though..what do you think? Maybe we can attempt to put the soccer figure back as the T in scout, and keep the same base image we have, with two arrows going around the world in opposite directions, one in each color blue as the image? I think that could look cool
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, here are my alternatives #116 #117.
Hope you like. They look good.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
I love them both. the style of 116 i would probably use as my website heading, and on a tshirt probably use 117 style, big picture on top of the words. Its hard to say what to change because there really isn't. Every idea i have you make it work so far.

im trying to think of a way to make the picture even better in 116 but just dont know if there is anything to make it better, which again is a good thing. If you have any alterations you think would be interesting, you know im always open to see.

If you think you can make something cool with a bulls eye target. incorporating the world and soccer that would be worth seeing. Thanks
12 years ago
Logo Designer
new design #118
12 years ago
Hey, I saw your new design earlier, but its gone now? I didnt get a chance to leave you any feedback, i thought it looked good from the quick look i had. Are you going to put it back up?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello is unfortunate, but the use of a bulls eye target around the planet was used by another designer who is claiming the right to use this element.
I can not use it unless you try another similar item.

I hope I have helped.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
Ahh, that sucks. So because he used a target in one of his designs your unable to use a target? What if i request it in open newsfeed? Hm okay.

Lets see, what if we take the design from logo 115. Take the player out of the image and put him as the letter T. The words are perfect. I would change anything about them at this point. I do like the effect of the lines smaller to larger like that, and maybe keeping the earth int he middle but It might look a bit cluttered.

Any ideas? I would like something in the image to also show some relation to soccer, but i still want it to be very simple.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I understand perfectly. The rules here are so, one must respect the elements used by another designer.
Here are other alternatives #121 #122 #123 #124, I hope you enjoy.

If you have any requirement, please let me know.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
You have been absolutly great Daniel. I like 123 and 124 because they are symetrical. all i can really say is i would perhaps make the soccer ball a little cleaner and proportionate. Can i see that on a black background as well?

you would probably have to reverse some colors but it would be interesting to see because iw ill be using it on black alot as well.

Also can i see the same logo using the colors You can choose silver or white whichever you think is better you dont have to use all four. Thanks again Daniel
12 years ago
also image 117, if you could make the background effect of a soccer ball please
12 years ago
Logo Designer
new designs #143 #144 #145 #146 #147 #148
12 years ago
i think it looks reallyy cool on the black background as well. For entry 116 image. Can we go that one with the soccer ball in the earth also on a black background? Thanks!
12 years ago
hmm not sure which i like more 143 or 151. do you have a preference to either? I guess what it comes down to is 3d or not. Im not sure what i could possibly offer as feedback cause im out of ideas on how to improve it other then the target sign which we cant use.

I guess if you have any other ideas or variations by all means please upload. Or anything that might be completely different from anything we've talked about. Thanks!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#143 is my favorite. The lines that cross the planet in #151
may hinder readability. Instead the #143 is more
personally clean and has more style.

I hope I have helped.

12 years ago
Hey I just posted a new comment on the main page, which probably wont apply to your entries because you have a soccer player as the letter T. The only thing I can try to suggest, which would give you something to try is to take the player out as the letter T which i actually do love. Put the player in the image, in which you can remove the background of the soccer ball from the earth. The sillouette u use for the letter T is perfect as the letter T because it looks like the letter. But I think it fits as well when you put that same player as the main picture because it wasnt as free flowing.

So just to reiterate and try to make it clearer for you, if you can use a similar picture of a player about to kick the ball in the main image. Remove the background soccer ball. And use end of letter S to go across the top of the words -------where players become pros. We can see how that looks. Thanks again Daniel

Im always interested to know what your feedback is on mine as well, if you think it might work, might now work, or if something will look better
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, I loaded another very different design that I presented above.

In this case I represented the transformation. The silhouettes around the planet function as a person evolves from beginner to pro #159. Hope you like.

Greetings. Daniel.
12 years ago
thats a cool concept, but i actually looked at the logo before reading your comment and didnt see that. so it could be a little confusing. The concept of the player before he is a pro, that image might look cool just surrounding the ball, because i like how it overlaps each one slightly. So if you can perhaps take on the soccer player from the image and try that for 159.

I would still like to see an entry from my last comments somehting like this where hte line comes straight out of the S and scout for pro is underneath where players become pros

___________Where players become pros

12 years ago
ALso, the soccer ball is a bit unclear because its behind the continents, let make the soccer ball the forefront of the image now. Thanks
12 years ago
and if we decide to take the player away from the slogan as the letter T, and into the Image. Can we use a different style sillouette, something more free flowing? I love the player as the letter T because it actually is in the shape, but if we use a player as the image, and it doesnt need to look as much like the letter T anymore.
12 years ago
Hey DAPC, so yet again we are in judging phase. You are still my number one although admittingly i do really like number 2 obviously because i told you i liked the target theme which you are unable to use unfortunately. I would like to give each of you another chance to upload any new entries based on my feedback, so I will have to switch the other person to number one in order to upload any new entries. You have definetly been the most talented and best to work with up to this point and always on top of your game which i really appreciate. So i look forward to seeing your modifed entries tomorrow. Thanks
12 years ago
Hey, just let me know whenever your ready to upload and ill put you back at 1, thanks!
12 years ago
Hey Dapc, I have not heard or seen from you so was just wondering if you were still competing in my competition. I love your work and have been my number 1 for just about the whole contest. Hope everything is okay and to see you soon
12 years ago
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