Thank you for your entry. I like your interpretation of our original concept, but the lighter blue swirl in conjunction with the "O" really reminds me (?) of an Egyptian eye. Though I feel the directionality of the inner light blue swirl is correct (coming from the bottom left), could you flip it so it comes from the bottom right?
Also, the drs. would like the smaller type "effectiveness...etc...." to be on two lines, since the sentence is so long the font has to be very small for it to fit all on one line.
Thanks for your additional logos. Since its Sunday, and I'm quite sure the puritans had a law prohibiting just about anything related to the colon on sundays (including the comparison of artistic interpretations) I'm going to pick this up Monday morning at 9 (EST).
Good Morning! I noticed you changed the "C" in SCOLAR to a "K" and I'm tempted to make some reference to LetterMan from the original Electric Company show circa 1972, but .... I'll pass on the opportunity.
We can't change the "C" to a "K" because the "COL" in SCOLAR stands for "COLorectal". Though I'm guessing you tried that because the swirl in #'s 80-83 looked better next to a "K" ?