Thank you for your entry, you definitely paid attention to the summary of what we are looking for and you improved upon our original concept. The "O" looks a little too much like they eye of a hurricane, though. I do like the addition of white in the swirl with the lighter blue, it really brightens it up. and I also like how the white part of the swirl continues out of the center and fades away through the top of the "O".
I know its tough to get the smaller type to line up with the large main type, because to do so in one line the font has to be really small, which the Drs. were not happy with. Could you try breaking it up into two lines so the description of the study is larger?
Thank you for your redesign - the smaller type looks great. However, the swirl inside the "O" still looks like the eye of a hurricane. Could you open the swirl up in the interior of it and bring more of the background peach color through?