Thank you Dan! I deleted the "#", and sent out successfully, please add the # in front of "073466, 004C9F, 20A1E2", then they're all right.
Many thanks and all the best!
That seems like a big error in their system if the color codes can't be shared. I have sent a note to an address that was on the contract. Let me know if that works for you.
Hi Dan, thank you for your reply! I've arranged all the color codes in details this morning for you already, but when I sent it here, the website always jumps out one sentence
''Please do not reference other designer's ideas, elements, or concepts." and I can't sent successfully.
I didn't mention anything above, but because the color code contains # and some numbers, I guess the system automatically thinks we're discussing other designer's work, I've tried just now once again, failed again, same reason, really need your email address. please let me know, then I can send to you as soon as possible. Have a nice day!
Good morning! Good news! it's 9:11am Tuesday now, we have got the reply from LT staff, the reply is
"Ready, please proceed, for answer please check FAQ …"
and finally I can see the "Upload final files" button on the website, since website only allows to upload 1 eps and 1 jpg file, so I've uploaded the 1 eps and 1 jpg file for the winner logo as soon as possible for you. please check, if there is no mistake, also looking forward to having your confirmation for it.
Hello, it's 11:33am Monday here, still no reply, I think Canada's time is late than my place (HK), so we still need wait for a while. Have a nice new week!
Thank you! Hope you've receive my yesterday's message!
It's 11:54am Saturday here, but I still didn't received LT staff's reply,
maybe because it's weekend now, I've sent the message to them once again just now.
I'm on the way of my business trip, sometimes can't use computer and internet or both, this message is just letting you know, in case I didn't reply on time, please don't worry, I'm here always and I'll continue to check this when I have chance to use internet, and once we got their reply, we'll solve the problem as soon as possible(and I think there should be no big issue as we didn't do any bad things). so just don't worry and have some fun for the weekend! and talk soon!
I'm terribly sorry, I won 5 times in LT, you gave me the 6 th,
but something happened, I don't know how to do now, I've already contact LT website staff, would you please wait for a while so we can understand and know how to proceed.
This is the email I've written to LT staff, I hope we can receive their reply soon.
Dear LT staff,
I've just won this contest, usually I need to upload the files asap,
but I've got this message as below from website,
"This contest is currently being reviewed by Administrators. Please contact Support and we will respond as soon as possible." Could I upload the files now?
Also client asked for "#87, #88, #89, #90." which are the
exact same design, but broken up into parts,
1 is everything, 1 is logo, 1 is word, 1 is central part of logo,
I agreed with client because they're exact same image, is that allowed? I think client will be easier and convenient to use the exact same logo in different situations.
Client is waiting for the formal files, so would you
please kindly let me know what's wrong and anything I can do, Thank you so much!
Thank you for your comments! Please check the updated work #87, #88, #89, #90.
Yes, no problem for color codes and all 1. just the worlds Excursion Llama. 2. Just the logo above the words. 3. just the llama. 4. Everything.
After you select the winning design, the winning designer can see the "upload" button, then designer can upload the formal files, and if there is no mistake, it'll be nice of you to confirm the files, anything if not clear, please feel free to let me know.
I think this is the one. However, we have to change the Lh to Ll...that is my fault. So once I pick this as the winner. Will you send me the HTML color codes that you used?
X, getting down to the end here. We like the logo on this one but would like to have the works next to each other below the logo. Can we see what it looks like if they both have the same font and color.
I like the concept of two llamas. But I like the llama in #63. Maybe a smaller one like that in the secondary color. Red or the green. Wanna try other secondary colors? Pink maybe? You have any thoughts?
Thanks for these changes. I think the original looks better. It is too busy with all the locations. I am not sure I love the Llama can you switch that guy around a bit? AlsoI like the font for the Excursion can you use that for Llama also.
X, this is good stuff. I think this may be my favorite at this point. I like the logos around the logo. We focus on 3 types of travel. Eco Adventure, Global Studies and Service. You think you could add students doing activities? Helping, trekking. If that doesn't work. I like the locations however, can we get like Machu Picchu or places like that. The Opera House, Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty or too touristy. Can you think of places a bit more out there? I do like that they are all on different continents. Can you also change the name to Excursion Lhama. I like the half circle idea with the destinations. Thanks for the effort on these!!
Comment Activity
Many thanks and all the best!
deep blue 073466 C100 M87 Y33 K22 R7 G52 B102
middle blue 004C9F C100 M80 Y4 K0 R0 G76 B159
light blue 20A1E2 C72 M22 Y0 K0 R32 G161 B226
''Please do not reference other designer's ideas, elements, or concepts." and I can't sent successfully.
I didn't mention anything above, but because the color code contains # and some numbers, I guess the system automatically thinks we're discussing other designer's work, I've tried just now once again, failed again, same reason, really need your email address. please let me know, then I can send to you as soon as possible. Have a nice day!
Please send the color codes when you get a chance.
All the best and I will be in touch.
Designer Help
Can I contact clients after a contest is complete to exchange data or send files?
It's allowed, so please give me your email address, so I can send them to you as soon as possible.
Please feel free to let me know if anything need my help, you're very welcome! Thank you so much! Have a nice day!
(PS: I'll send the color code to you through email as well, )
"Ready, please proceed, for answer please check FAQ …"
and finally I can see the "Upload final files" button on the website, since website only allows to upload 1 eps and 1 jpg file, so I've uploaded the 1 eps and 1 jpg file for the winner logo as soon as possible for you. please check, if there is no mistake, also looking forward to having your confirmation for it.
It's 11:54am Saturday here, but I still didn't received LT staff's reply,
maybe because it's weekend now, I've sent the message to them once again just now.
I'm on the way of my business trip, sometimes can't use computer and internet or both, this message is just letting you know, in case I didn't reply on time, please don't worry, I'm here always and I'll continue to check this when I have chance to use internet, and once we got their reply, we'll solve the problem as soon as possible(and I think there should be no big issue as we didn't do any bad things). so just don't worry and have some fun for the weekend! and talk soon!
Thank you so much!
I'm terribly sorry, I won 5 times in LT, you gave me the 6 th,
but something happened, I don't know how to do now, I've already contact LT website staff, would you please wait for a while so we can understand and know how to proceed.
This is the email I've written to LT staff, I hope we can receive their reply soon.
Dear LT staff,
I've just won this contest, usually I need to upload the files asap,
but I've got this message as below from website,
"This contest is currently being reviewed by Administrators. Please contact Support and we will respond as soon as possible." Could I upload the files now?
Also client asked for "#87, #88, #89, #90." which are the
exact same design, but broken up into parts,
1 is everything, 1 is logo, 1 is word, 1 is central part of logo,
I agreed with client because they're exact same image, is that allowed? I think client will be easier and convenient to use the exact same logo in different situations.
Client is waiting for the formal files, so would you
please kindly let me know what's wrong and anything I can do, Thank you so much!
Thanks for all of your work. I selected this one as the winner. Please make sure to let me know the color codes that you used.
Thanks so much!!
Yes, no problem for color codes and all 1. just the worlds Excursion Llama. 2. Just the logo above the words. 3. just the llama. 4. Everything.
After you select the winning design, the winning designer can see the "upload" button, then designer can upload the formal files, and if there is no mistake, it'll be nice of you to confirm the files, anything if not clear, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks and Have a nice day!
How does it work?
Thanks for these changes. I think the original looks better. It is too busy with all the locations. I am not sure I love the Llama can you switch that guy around a bit? AlsoI like the font for the Excursion can you use that for Llama also.
Sorry there is a tiny mistake on this work #1, so I've delete it, and the correct one is #15. Thanks!
Have a nice day!