MaxK, as you can see, I really like #70 and #71. I am wondering if you can play with the "swoosh," however. Specifically, on # 70, could you change the angle of the swoosh a little bit and add an arrow to it (pointed up and to the right)? Thank you. -Scott
Also, I still do like #68. However, could you make the blue "donut" just a plan unpatterned blue donut? I.e. just a blue circle with a hole in the middle. Thanks.
MaxK, my co-founder likes #173 most out of all the logos, and I am becoming more convinced that he is right. Could you do me a favor? Could you adjust the font on School Revolution so that it is more like #126? (e.g., Revolution is more bold than School... and there is a small space between the two words). Thank you.