both 299 and 298 (this one look great) ... I will mover both into the ranking area and select ... great job and looking forward to getting all the files ... you did an awesome job .. very creative
This is the final file I think. The top side of word "sign works" is aligned with top side of yellow ang magenta, so that there is some kind of imaginary line between schaefer and signworks. And the line is like extension of the white line in the middle.
Yes. you can choose this logo as the winner. Then I will send this winning file in final transfer process. After receiving this wiining file , please approve it. I will send you all files in any format that you need as soon as possible via email. I am open 24 hours. It's now 3.30 am in my place, Surabaya Indonesia.
Success for your business.
Thank you so based on this and the other Private message I sent to you via the logo tournament program ... it makes me feel we are all set ... so I just need to approve (select you as the winner) this one logo and then we can start the process ... is my understanding correct??
I will contact you via your email (written in AGREEMENT OF LOGO DESIGN TRANSFER OF RIGHTS). My email and your email are written in there. The agreement is appear after the winner is chosen. Of course only one design that has to be chosen as the winner, Only one file in two format (jpg and eps) that I have to send in final transfer (because logo tournament only provide this two format in final transfer), but don't worry, I will send any files, in any format that you need via email. I will give you also the font. . I hope this information will help.
Thank you and I do think I like the tag line as three lines when presented in the rectangle left to right ... so since you are the top person ... how do I communicate with you to understand what designs I will get and the formats??
regarding the colors of your design ... are all aspects of these going to be ok based on this information from the logo tournament web site:
Designers can design in different color spaces, the most common being CMYK and RGB.
CMYK is what your printer will need and RGB is what your web designer will need. If your logo will be used exclusively on the internet you will only need RGB. The EPS vector file given to you is always in one color space and higher quality design programs can save to the other color space effectively.
Both color spaces can save into each other but there can be problems. Each color space has limitations. Most Designers know the limitations and easily work with them.
Many experienced Designers use the PantoneĀ® matching system to make designs because there are set RGB and CMYK values that do not change. If you have preferred colors, it is often good to request Designers make their designs using this system. you can also research them on Pantone's website.
Super bright RGB colors tend to translate into much darker versions when printed in CMYK. To avoid disappointment, you can ask the Designer if the colors will be the same. Asking them to design using the PantoneĀ® matching system will avoid such problems.
one thought ,,, if i change the tag line to something like "Creative Signs and Graphics Solutions" ... can we get the first two words "Creative Signs" on one line and then below that on the next line "and Graphics" ... and then the last line "Solutions" ... i think it would be easier to read the tag line then ... this one one projects a very small font size tag line ... by the way you are my finalist and so looking forward to working out the specifics over the next 5-7 days
thank you but i think on this one the tag line is too small and makes it look long ... i think you have a few others that are better than this one in your designs thus far ... I am still studying those
thank you for this one ... how do you do it with the tag line I have mentioned in other posts ... for example what does it look like with the tag line below (Tag line to use for now is "Outstanding Signs and Graphics Solutions" ) (this idea would be more of the stacked rectangle .... and then how does it look with the tag line to the right hand side (long rectangle)
thank you ... I clearly understand and get the idea that we would outline the colors in white ... I assume that the words such as "Schaefer" and Sign Works" plus the tag line of: "Outstanding Signs and Graphics Solutions" would be in white as well when the back ground is dark??
Thank you for this different font idea ... now my wife is wondering if we did the emblem with only two colors ... how would it look and not sure which two ... thoughts?? Also can you get Sign Works on the same line ... lastly how would you add the idea of a tag line like " Outstanding Signs and Graphics Solutions"
you are in my top five with your design concepts ... I think I want to have you look a few different fonts. one of my friends has recommended using a futura font or century gothic font ... looking for modern fonts ... also wondering if we need to look at spacing between the "EFE" in SCHAEFER ... looking for modern and clean ... lastly we will need to consider how this looks in a tall rectangle (stacked) setting as well as how it will look in a square version and lastly a rectangle version (wider left to right) ... also I have decided to add a tag line and this tag line will be something like "(word) Signs and Graphics Solutions" for example "Your Signs and Graphics Solution" or Outstanding Signs and Graphics Solutions" or Creative Signs and Graphics Solutions" ... as you can see I am still working the tag line ... another thought is thinking abut the black box in the emblem ... if this is printed on a dark or black back ground ... then we loose the black box ... what thoughts might you have about this area / aspect ... hope this helps and hope to continue to work with you over the next few days to see if you can move into the top spot.
the style catches with me thus far ... keep working it... it catches my eye ... if you have a few other ideas similar to this would be welcomed ... this one does feel current to me ... looking forward to a few more ideas from you
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Nurwan Budiman
Designers can design in different color spaces, the most common being CMYK and RGB.
CMYK is what your printer will need and RGB is what your web designer will need. If your logo will be used exclusively on the internet you will only need RGB. The EPS vector file given to you is always in one color space and higher quality design programs can save to the other color space effectively.
Both color spaces can save into each other but there can be problems. Each color space has limitations. Most Designers know the limitations and easily work with them.
Many experienced Designers use the PantoneĀ® matching system to make designs because there are set RGB and CMYK values that do not change. If you have preferred colors, it is often good to request Designers make their designs using this system. you can also research them on Pantone's website.
Super bright RGB colors tend to translate into much darker versions when printed in CMYK. To avoid disappointment, you can ask the Designer if the colors will be the same. Asking them to design using the PantoneĀ® matching system will avoid such problems.