forgive me .. i can not submit my design revision .. because its only one position that can improve the design .. because the contest is already selection .. thanks
Pls adjust:
(1) Remove "PTE. LTD.".
(2) The image of double helix design is too generic as in any text book.
(3) The color combination resembles that of BIOSYNGEN PTE LTDlogo designed by logotournament; needs please suggest a new color combinationto be changed.
(4) The image DNA double helix needs to be more artistic.
Comment Activity
#137 , #138
(1) Remove "PTE. LTD.".
(2) The image of double helix design is too generic as in any text book.
(3) The color combination resembles that of BIOSYNGEN PTE LTDlogo designed by logotournament; needs please suggest a new color combinationto be changed.
(4) The image DNA double helix needs to be more artistic.