I like the thought of a tag line under the word SAW..............not sure what that line should be.
I like the font and depth the letters have - not crazy about the A being a different color. Maybe if the words on the bottom were different than the word SAW or maybe if the word SAW started as blue on the bottom and faded into orange half way up or the other way around.......
Can contestants see other peoples entries and the comments with those?
ok, thanks for the comments. i'll keep working with the ideas. contestant can see other entries only, personal comment can be seen after the contest ended by the other.
hi, i wanna explain my desain concept. the icon look like little bird or ball, actually it depend on 3 letters S, A, and W. blue flowing it was "S" it was main color, white colour between blue and orange is "A", white colour between blue and green is "W". i hope you like it Thanks, Aa