Thank you for your submissions! (#55, #54, #53) I like the concept of adding in an image as well as text. You are the only person to add in a third color to the logo so far. My target market is "trendy mom," so I'm looking for something a little more trendy - maybe a little more whimsical.
I love your new submissions! #66 & #67. What do you think about adding a 2 into the orange petal on the right of the $ sign? Thanks for your creativity!
Wow, I love your new entries! #68, #69, & #70. #68 is my new favorite of yours, but I really like the other two as well. This makes the top of my short list - thanks for your creativity and hard work!
What do you think about changing the color of the petal that the 2 is in from orange to red, to match the core of the flower? Also I was wondering what the logo would look like with a font that is similar to the font style in #37. Thanks again for your creativity!
Entry #122 is my favorite of yours so far! I had originally chosen green as a color because it makes people think of money, however, I just love the vibrant orange and red combination. Here is an idea - purple is a royal color and gold is a color of money (gold coins.) What do you think about gold and purple as a combination?
Love the colors. I really like the color combination in entry #127. I love the flower, and I am wondering if it would be possible to change the flower a little so the $ and 2 could be bigger. Maybe fewer petals that are flat against the center would allow this? Any ideas you have would be welcome as well.