Thank you. I guess my rainbow colors are not working for me like I thought they would. Like the idea of a house but not liking the rainbow or the shape. Still like edgy but maybe more abstract house with trees or grass or both or something along those likes in colors of brown and green or red and brown. Maybe two colors for the logo would work better. Would like a little different font .
Change wording to "The Sarah Moore Team" with "Real Estate" under it separated by a line.
I like this, can we change the shape of the house, it is still to contemporary a structure for me. Also I would like a warmer brown . I like the tree idea, can we change the shape some and make it either beside the house or a bit bigger, it appears like vine almost.
# 3 I really like this but would like to see the brown a dark chocolate brown and a line between my team name and real estate. Could you change the tree to be more like an oak tree. Change out the window for a door perhaps.
#8 Take a brighter red and enlarge that part of the red circle and put The Sarah Moore Team Real Estate inside the color of the red circle...All print around the circle not under it and see what we get. Also take the green under the house and make it flat instead of two circular places. I really like what you are doing.
Entry #71 --Can you change the house color from brown to blue (similar color to entry # 77). Remove the rainbow colors inside the cirlce above the house. Thank you