Hello, thanks so much for your entry. Is there a way to work in the Federation logo? And perhaps the shooting stars could be arranged in a way that is less-tiera shaped? (I think that's why I like it so much! It looks like a tiera, but that might be interpreted as too feminine?)
In regard to the Federation logo, I would not be able to include it as it is a registered trademark unless they have given written permission for you to include it as part of your logo. Large organizations usually want to protect their trademark and would have very specific perameters for using the logo such exact colors, etc. I apologize for any inconvience and if you are able to use it, please let me know :)
Hi again. #23 just move up the ranks! Can you add "Powered by Jewish Federation at the bottom? Can you do a version in which the "Israel" letters are slightly less blocky? (Although most like the font as is, but just in case)?
Hi thanks for tweaking the font to something slightly more delicate. Can you try something more deco? Or classic? Something that complements the "San Diego" but is bold and easy to read? Really appreciate your hard work on this!
Hi - thanks again - how about a brittanica or berlin-ish font? Something deco-ish that coordinates a little more with the classic (Hollywood-ish, fabulous Del Mar--ish (VERY San Diego) script?
Unfortunately the contest has gone into the judging phase before I had a chance to get you those font options and now only the first ranked can submit any revisions. If you would still like to see them, you can put me into the first position (even if just temporarily) so that I may upload the changes.
Hello. We thank you SO MUCH for your hard work and talent!!! We put it to a committee vote and unfortunately your entry came in second place. You should know however that our marketing guru favored your logo.