Hi thank-you for your designs. Can I see #13 with less florally font - slightly more solid.profesional (less wavy) and more use of the colours: blue, yellow, orange or blue. thanks
less colours in the leaves. I do like the blue (esp the blues and greens they have used in #65) but I also like the original dark greens you used. I think 1-2 leaves in a different colour (eg orange and tourquise/aqua blue) will look better than 3-4.
I still want to see the font more grey, muted and less floral, like #69. sorry dont know names of fonts as would be much easier.
And unsure if its worth linking hte same blue used on the leaves into the slogan?
I am trying to match bolours back to the photo I posted as this will be my new website too. thanks Sam
Hi, I am selecting winner today, just deciding on the font - thanks for working with me. I know the comp has closed but can i get the slogan changed to Natural health and happiness please. It doesn't read right for some reason
Can you adjust the logo - happy to pay extra. I need one for my 12 week hormone program and one for another program I have. Let me know how much - probably 30 mins work...
Hi I didn't want a new logo. I like the one I picked for first. I just was wondering if you can keep the graphic and change the words - I want two similar to use for 2 products that I have.