Thanks for the additional logos. I still like your first entry the best. You are an artist and I am attracted to the classiness of the first design. To me it communicates that sales involves people communicating... further that communication today can be heard around the globe and this FX (effects) sales... As with any artwork it communicates different things to different people. My partners do not see what I see in it... That said the last thing I want to do is to try to tell an artist how they can make their work better so please forgive me if the next few sentence sounds like this is what I'm doing... I would like my partners to see what I see in your design. What gets in their way are the following...
I can see that the abstract represents two people with their arms stretching around a circle or globe. My partner doesn't see it. I think if you were able to modify the first entry # 41, it could be made to better suit our needs. Perhaps removing the blue flame that appears behind the ball and making the people with arms stretched more apparent... Perhaps make the ball represent a globe... Doing any or all of this could either ruin a great logo or make it better... I'm not the artist that you are when it comes to graphic design...
Some taglines you might try are "Social Selling Experts", "Effective Sales Acceleration", "Social Sales Experts", "Advancing Sales Socially"... I have used Creative Sales Advancement underneath your logo although another contestant came up with that tagline... Also, you should know that one of the contestants complained when they saw Accelerate your sales under another logo... While I have used this before, they saw this as part of their creative. The moderator had them remove it from their design...
If you don't mind, please keep working on your initial logo... I really do like it and it is still a toss up between it and the one that is currently listed as Client Rank #1...